Make the Right Decisions with a Comprehensive Second Opinion

Second Opionon

Why Should You Use a Second Opinion?

Utilizing a second opinion is an excellent way to obtain an objective assessment of a candidate to ensure that they possess the necessary competencies for the specific position. It also reduces the risk of misrecruitment within your organization, a situation that can be both costly and negatively impact the work environment for both you and your new employee. Furthermore, a second opinion contributes to eliminating prejudices and biases that may arise in the recruitment process.

When is it Appropriate to Seek an Objective Candidate Assessment?

A second opinion is not only valuable for new recruitments but also serves as an effective tool for evaluating internal candidates who are being considered for a promotion or have applied for a new role within your company. By using a second opinion, you can ensure that your decisions are based on objective factors and avoid letting prejudices or biases influence the assessment.

Have you already identified your final candidates and require assistance with an objective assessment to make a definitive decision? Or do you have an internal employee who has applied for a new role, and you need help evaluating if they possess the right skills and qualities for the position? In both cases, a second opinion is highly beneficial, and at MB Recruitment, we can assist you in ensuring that you make the right choices while eliminating prejudices and biases from the process.

We are certified by

Recruitment Institute

Which means we have implemented non-discriminatory recruitment processes.

Read more about what this means here:

How Does the Second Opinion Process Work?

At MB Recruitment, we have extensive experience in conducting second opinions and employ a proven methodology. Working together with you, the hiring manager, we review your needs analysis and the job profile for the specific position. This provides us with a deep understanding of your requirements and the role to be filled, which is crucial for making an accurate assessment. Based on this, we propose the most suitable testing tools for the position and create a competency model that measures the most critical behaviors for the role. Together, we establish a timeline and then interview and test the candidate in detail. Once the candidate receives feedback on the test results, we report the outcome to you. If desired, reference checks can also be included.

Based on the results, we provide our recommendation and assist you in making a well-founded decision free from prejudices and biases.

With MB Recruitment as your competence advisory partner, you can feel confident in your choice of the perfect candidate for your organization. We offer high-quality and objective assessments of your final candidates, focusing on their skills, attitude, and personality. With our experience and expertise, we have built strong trust among our clients and are here to provide you with the extra support you need to make the most optimal choice for your organization.

At MB Recruitment, our goal is to create a successful and sustainable workforce for our clients while eliminating prejudices and biases in the recruitment process to ensure objective and well-informed decisions.
